Use Your Freedom of Speech with Digital Marketing

Celebrate Your Independence!

One of our wonderful freedoms in the United States is our ability to speak freely and openly about anything. July 4th is a great time to exercise this right, and one way is to review your business digital marketing plans!

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Your digital marketing plan is essential to help gaining new customers and keeping your existing customers informed. While some plans can be quite complicated, there are 3 basic steps to build a digital marketing plan:

  1. Determine WHO your ideal customers are and what they are looking for.

  2. Find out WHERE your potential customers search for solutions.

  3. Choose WHAT digital platforms to use to send your message.

There are many digital platforms to choose from including:

- Google Business Profile - using the right keywords

- Website - tuning to send the right message.

- Social media management - quick enticing messages.

- Email marketing - educate and inform.

- Text messaging - immediate text back when a customer calls or has questions.

- Geo-location or targeted marketing based on location - catch them while they are in the area.

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With your plan, each campaign should send a consistent message across all platforms and respond to inquiries or questions from readers.

A CRM pays for itself by helping you stay organized and follow up on your customers and prospects. For example, if you pay $350 a month for a CRM, and for your average customer you make $100 a month in profit, you can quickly get your ROI and then some by getting 4 new customers.

The work to build and keep a digital marketing campaign running can take time for small businesses.  Click IT Computers is here to help!  We offer a full suite of solutions for digital marketing and can customize a program to help you.

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